Tuesday, October 21, 2014

out of towning

on my desk, in my trailor, sits a wildflower honey jar
filled with gladiola and mexican sunflowers you picked 
  for my fifty fifth birthday. double nickled, can't drive,
aarpish. but you love me. wrapped around your finger.
you restarted my game, back to level one. thanks for helping
me kick that addiction. you should get a chance to play
at your level. let me know when you reach where i was.

so what game to engage in now? writing on a different level
might be nice if i had the energy. it was sweet to visit with you
pretend we still have things in common instead of this gulf
between returning and pixie pin point  connections.
still, i love the fall leaves. and i did introduce you
to your current lifestyle. that counts for something
i can take into the clikity clak night to cuddle. 

i bet you didn't think i'd return your call
but you weren't  IDed. i fixed that though.
 now when you relive us through
 a different situation, you
 won't have me to drone to.
i know you had to leave for work, it doesn't
 get easier if you pretend
we're already dead. i left 
some black and white square bowls
on the counter, like the four noble truths.
then, to take the edge off, coffee cups.
bone white.  the delusions of youth
dissolve in the era of solid middle age.
so grab a drum. you have four years
to watch the event horizon become  
the rabbit hole.might as well make some time.


they don't know what those ^^ are. 
it throws them. to have to explain would be my pleasure
but this is not a discussion group. 
or maybe  i've just not looked around 
enough to find the happening place.
surely all the great grammatical questions
have not been answered, surely there are boundaries 
we can still cross. just not in this place. i can see
very well that this is not the venue for bloggishness
disguised as poetry with left handed resolution
and karmic intent. 

what of the beauty of today?
the cup of coffee. the slow rolled meds.
washed clothes, cleaned bowls.
and the daily grind. back at the salt mines
picking up the whip, wielding it. 

(i will get my tester. everyone in the house knows
we need it now. i hope it works and we can find ways
to wrestle the sonic monster to its knees, make it obey
our whim. this vp and that vp don't want to play
this game of who's minding the store. i will get my tester
and they will hate me more. the she that's in 
the mean girls club is a wolf,. play it more or less 
the same sister mine. i am too busy fa ya ass.
less keep this pafessional.)

oh i am getting hard. hard and hard.
the walnut bitters , shell catalysis. i 
let you sleep with your clothes on
stubble faced stumble placed.
it was another disappointing to my expectations day.
but the part of me that just let it be
knew what would happen all along so
she is just SAYin , like, duh. 
just love you. you drove my car one thousand 
five hundred miles and only whined
when you made the wrong left turn.
we barely snapped. tether and ring.
i was five on the beach, watching the tide 
roll in. you humored me anyway.
because i know timing is everything
and i fucked you the first night we
were   on the beach,
lit by stars. 
the last night, i slept in the new year
because i didn't want to see it
from the very first minute on.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

plateaus of habit

At the pond again. Joint in my mouth
Bad music on the radio the weather. changes
At my impending exit. i want to travel roads I've seen before to people I've
Known as friends

Today you invited me
To party again. I'd take you up on that.
But these years show
me how over it I am

Instead I'll demure
With false smile
Pretended interest.
A guess as good as goodbye

Sunday, October 12, 2014

face it

malaise. from malice. she looks at this birthday
from one, with the other. it's unknown the kind
of life she could lead from here. so   she buys 
a new car. it keeps her at the job another seven years
if she survives that, then perhaps she could stop
look around, see if there is any more reason to keep going.
she keeps thinking of dying. not in a suicidal way, she's
not brave enough for that. she doesn't want cancer
or some other wasting disease. so she's hoping to maybe stroke out
or have a massive untreatable heart attack, an auto accident, 
or suicide bomber at the mall. just so it's quick, she thinks.

and what of the man. what if he wasn't here?
would she feel the same way? life offerings complete
love in all its measure-apparently  hers now. well not all.
if he were supporting her. that would be the  thing
she hasn't done since adulthood, beholden to someone
else's whims. he ex husband would not agree nor would she
if she were honest. he didn't support her so much as
whim her into obiescence.  so there was that. but she thinks
she would like to be the one keeping the hearth alive. 
it looks like that might be after the car's all paid off
if she can budget her money well enough to pay rent
for a couple of years. squeeze out some writing. self publish
at seventy. what a dream. oh wait, this begain with a man.
what if he wasn't here. but he is. he says he's staying.
she's not so sure about that. eventually she kicks 
everyone out or leaves herself.  what ever she thinks.


but  this age . is  the full admission to aarp
the senior discount, the exit from any demographic that matters.
she is trying to get used to the idea of irrelevancy, as if
anything or one has intrinsic relevance. that's the whole point
she thinks. it doesn't! relevance is about the viewpoint 
from outside this bag of skin, looking at it. 
going to pot is more than a ballot amendment
it's the round shape of belly  converging with gravity laden tits.
the gray hair sundays, the slow driving, the inability to grasp
her own phone's operations, lack of music, lack of caring
it's the whole damn bagel, with cream cheese, locked. 

bleh, probably this is why she stopped writing anyway.
may as well be pushing buttons as writing this whiney shit.

pet rescue saga, where are you?. 

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

pattent on pds

nonprofit is a scam and batteries need recycling
if iever got money id buy up old landfills and give em
to my kids to mine when the bounty runs out.

i got addicted   to failing early on, nd i dont want to believe
you cant see im writing.  speak on. if you will find it for me
and feed it to me, i will eat it. yes give me some wine.please.

patent. this is how you really spell it but i forgot it
in the middle of your nonstop talking. seven bux
wont buy a  cartfull of wine but the gods give discounts
only when your poets are bare.

fish plate. adam and eve in north carolina.
benefaction sponsored by heap chinese porn toys on the cheap.
we drink the wine of our forefathers, concord and sweet
numerology reveals your destiny and we close the book.
the silence, when it falls, is an invitation you accept.

Monday, October 06, 2014

unused post

the red stuff is better 
sublingual im getting a real psychoactive
effect from the chemical reaction of water
and a pill trying to mate with an amoeba.
i saw it on the internet. you tube uber alles.

this ashtray is the color im lokkong for.
its colloidal, glycerine. butter  inder tongue.
im going german hor halloween. hot air 
ballooning on the edge of tomorrow 
pacific sunsets specific sorrows.
let us deconstruct this blend of wine
note tone,grape harvest time.
gotta wonder if people there areradioactive
with those double walled containers about
to lose wall number two. arrogance cast them 
on a pristine river, home to climate change arable land.
the venom leaks from the gorgons head, decapitated
but deadly still.
o columbus,what have we wrought?

we dont have the correct response.
the zombies are coming. so speaks 
the third glass of wine, radioactive or not.
the sublingual seems to be a bust.

fate as a mathematical principle

if everything in the universe can bedescibed
in mathmatical terms, then fate is algebraically
reducable to a product of yourself times
the number of times you
have encountered another entity times

the infinite regression of the grid of existence drilling to
the smallest quark, nay! unto nuetrino and even fermion

and therefore carries the stigmata of randomness, of chance
indistiguisable from a sybils divination