Wednesday, October 08, 2014

pattent on pds

nonprofit is a scam and batteries need recycling
if iever got money id buy up old landfills and give em
to my kids to mine when the bounty runs out.

i got addicted   to failing early on, nd i dont want to believe
you cant see im writing.  speak on. if you will find it for me
and feed it to me, i will eat it. yes give me some wine.please.

patent. this is how you really spell it but i forgot it
in the middle of your nonstop talking. seven bux
wont buy a  cartfull of wine but the gods give discounts
only when your poets are bare.

fish plate. adam and eve in north carolina.
benefaction sponsored by heap chinese porn toys on the cheap.
we drink the wine of our forefathers, concord and sweet
numerology reveals your destiny and we close the book.
the silence, when it falls, is an invitation you accept.


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