Tuesday, April 22, 2014

face to the fracking

where there's pipes there's fire
or so you'd have me believe,
but i gave them back long ago.
it's not my fault you didn't
save something for the future.

spangled areas draw me to you
but when i arrive , it was all show.
call me bird brain. and damn if i
don't drop the dreams with clickity clack.

```spent and spindle, catch a grindle.
is that butter in your pants or did the ac
just come on by itself. the sighs i
ignore. the common colds we shared.

trying to overcome the latest setback
is the wrong humble pie. you have to eat it.
you have to be ok with the portion of the whine you got.
just. just take it home and sleep with it.

plain words went to sleep at seven.
after hours, embellishments are standard.

i have a craven image of you
with the top down, dripping armani.
and Hannahs. i know it's not exactly
the death you craved but it'll do.

i have a craven image of you
long before it arrived in a stolen impala
dessicated green paint , hand job stained,
dripping keyboards and circuits.

ms finch ms finch i met your saviour seeker
saw him in flash of deja vu the night we met.
dragon tail and demon eye. full moon on the fly.

i have an image of you, craven and cowardly
on the podium, defiant and defeated. how could
i  have met other than you?

i punch at destiny's doors. they break
 my voice, dissolve around my fingers
 heady and forgetful, like this  smoke.

the men that wanna take care of women find
a women that wanna be taken
care of . the women what wanna
take care of them  selves
find a mind wanna be taken
 care of. or really, i can only speak for myself.

it wasnt that way when we met
. i vetted him. mostly
  like russia in crimea, TAKEN IN
 by a referendum and a promise
i wonder if russia will benefit from the union
as much as crimea>

lately i"ve passed poems lying on the road
and left them there
a couple of feathers flapping
as the car rolls by

i"ve taken away my period and commas
somehow so this will be interesting
a forced version of something i once forced
in a sense with my shift key phobia
now the dancertm style comes in handy
though of course i just have the sub license
from fb not the full version so
you dear reader will have to forgive
the imperfections after all i
am not the master

if i come give you a kiss
i will stop writign
and i feel like writign
so you have to come give me one

and btw load the bong

thank you

half moons

the lyrids are out there in the northeast
at some point in our space time continuim
but i"m too tired or something to sit out
in the chilly april air to wait for them to
blase out in a wishfullfillment ritual

we spin thru bing bang gamma rays
sun plasma magneto fields
aurora"s aureolea it"s out there
coming to collide in cosmic candleburst

something else strange if i try to upkey
it all disappears

maybe i try this another time
after the keyboard gives me back
my punctuation

Friday, April 18, 2014

a made mind's like a bed someone uses, up for changing when required

i wait for
jetwash over birdcall
steel wing over feather.
sometimes i'm so sad
we didn't meet
when it could make a
difference. before
we had these ghostscloaks
over our mind.

i anticipate
the haunting. think
about message in a bird call
avoid the past's last
reverb by technically
standing on the verge where
now stretches to infinity
because mathematically
you never arrive
at zero without
cancelling out.
i think that's pertinent.

Sunday, April 06, 2014

my webbo0k keeps looking for its new home

latest is back in my room
next to the windows where i can look
over a  slice of road
a wink of sky,
 a postage stamp of green
and the curtains in my neighbor's  sliding
glass door. they rarely move.

emil cioran wrote about his romanian
village occasionally. one story he related
was of a man who, when confronted with a character
in a work of fiction
that resembled him greatly said i did not think
i had stooped so low as to be written about.
i think i understand that sentiment at last.


i'm having a crisis of faith
pope francis is not the only one
turning things topsy turvy.
i thought writing could save me
but i see that nothing does.
even the centuries old will one day
only be remembered in god dreams.

that i believe in soul is why i'm a poet instead of a scientist.
crow told me about his journeys  into alt universes via various
chemical cocktails . gamma ray bursts making noise on the detector
slowed to sixty hz or  at whatever frequencies humans vibrate
and i don't know why i insist
 on writing paragraphs in broken sentences
but i do. methmaker said it hurt to break the lines so he wrote them allthewaytotheedge
of the template, let the machine make the breaks.
it's prolly a control thing with me.

this man i'm living with apologises for everything.
i thought i could change that but some dogs is trained the wrong way.
i know. sorry for the discouraging work.
one ear/ thru the head. crazy elephants marching in
my living room. got the hot set up now electronic
drums in the corner, pandora on the desktop thru altec lansing
high end speaker while the pa system and sixteen trac recording
computer says hey music frenz where the hell are ya?
need someone on the keys, i'ma pick up this bass
if you got a guitar bring it on.
extra bed for a while. room fulla repurposeful amazon
merchandise in waiting may contain musical
inspiration. gong's in the guestroom,  you decide.


oh that ampersand creeps in and i know somewhere
it displays as  just a code cuz we gotta own everything.
wonder how much that's worth under
forty feet of tsunami.

i'm having cake for memories.
slacker darlings. love missed it by half a gen
cuz the gens are speeding it up end of kalpa style.
at least we met again, recognise the you know what i mean


o narcissus i
told everyone
bout why i finally
am done with you
even though you
 weren't listening.

ruth taught me good lessons
leah taught me good lessons
elaine taught me good lessons.
triumverate of betrayals. so i did the same,
i'm sure. it bothers you
that i would say her adultery
is the same as yours and mine
what differed was the response.

loving the nineties music you're drummin to.
i ranted at the mellenials about how they don't know
minimum grammar rulez then had to admit
i was pretty much on the kill em all bandwagon
a decade ago. i figure what bothers me about it is
they aren't breaking rules. they do not KNOW the rules.
shit, how can you play the game then?
lol. one thing this silence has taught  is how
inane and narcissistic my own writing is.
try to see the world outside my front door
but i just gotta run and hide everytime i do.
i think i'll stay in florida tho, waiting for gaia
to flood the coasts. we're doing
nothing.to mitigate the sea's immanent intrusion
 catastrophe in vitro.
i once feared drowning. premonition i spose.
i dunno. will i struggle or give up the ghost?
either one, despite ethical arguments, is a selfish choice.
how much can the body bear? this morning i wept
  from another fitful night.it's only been four years.
and i'm so weary of the pain. it only goes away in your arms.
even that's temporary
ah mortality you are a wicked flower.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

pessoa's daughter

i open the front door
to let the rain in, remove the musty
smell. old cigars, mildewed papers.
the need to be got gone. since i cna't
bring myself to publish and anyway
it's not that the stuff is publishable
a fire would be the best thing. quickest i mean.
i could let the mold stke over, eat words
slowly, over deceades or perhaps
centuries. decades probably.
but a fire, that would be a clean break.
nothing left but ashes that won't pull through.

but they can fly away, they can be washed off.
down the drain. into the ground, compost for
a new garden. today i pulled shepard's needles
from my yard. by the roots. they thread through
the weeds i want to flourish

geranium pillow

there's dirt under my fingernails
it must be spring again.
survive another winter and
there's pulling weeds to dull the pain
i take out two season's growth
of shepard's needles.  shake dirt
from the tangle of  roots, revealing
ruly mops of hair that strangle  grasses
leaves woody stems that hurt bare feet and summer's coming
i long to go barefoot
on a grass path through a garden
i planted. even if
this land is rented even if
 time's an illusion
i'll be rid of closer than childhood

i have not leapt enough this year.
here's a crick, let's jump.

 lili says gramma
you have so many flowers!
wind blows their white skirts
flirty with bees. i like the tall
purple ones, imagine them
in place of the needles.

it was the year of spoonbills
bright pink flowers
flew by, landed in our pond
waded in the shallows, heads down.

it's not walden but any
oasis under the jetway
is a tiny miracle. like how
we found each other or the way
we haven't split
in protonic collisions following
tachyon predictions

it's not that i want someone
else, just you without the history.
you told me this on the way out the door.
i balked . came up for air.
then find you and repeat it.

how do you let the river form you? resist.
to float to sea requires buoyancy and release
if a tree snags you, untangle.

i met a man that ate a teaspoon of diatomaceous earth per day.
it's the clay. it pulls out poisons. there are shells in my garden.
i have a bleder and a recipe.

he was a christian scientist. reality as illusion. no death.
seasons as time keeper for a mock up of
the all and nothing.  however, ahem, there is
this little delusion we have to work against. pray your pain away.
so they say religion can be such
a sweet marketplace. consequence of something to be.
