Sunday, April 24, 2016


Environmental Justice  past
 and future: shale gas  practices
 avoid  drilling in wealthier
 hoods; target poor  said vice
 president  to avoid  residents 
who might have the money to fight.

  drilling and fracking operation
“pose significant environmental justice issues, 
 the companies coming into communities
 are really operating in the best interests of those communities.

drilling operations have been
located away from wealthier
 homes and neighborhoods
to  protect these communities
  from the adverse effects of industrial land uses.”

“how hard we work
 to site our locations
 in the best possible place
 for residents and the community-
people with fewer resources
 to challenge  are the ones targeted.
how confident the industry is in the state.”

 shale gas well-drilling permits 
were not one of the state permits
 that triggered an environmental justice review.
“[The EJ office] wasn’t functioning before. ,”
 said  Secretary of phone interviews last week.
 he hopes to have a draft
 of new environmental justice
 review procedures available
 for public comment
 by late summer or early fall.

power source
Don Hopey:, 412-263-1983, or on Twitter @donhopey.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

disappointing the universe

so it's the second day you call in sick
but you're only sick
in the head. i've seen your head
do that now for four years
or i could say every god damn
lover i've had. i always pick the sick.
is it so i'll have something to write about
instead of the cowish existence i
seem to live? i dunno but it
disintegrates as we live it.

so what is about the scorpio male or rather
those scorps i've k nown, born in octoboer
that makes them self sabotage. or is that
just because they meet me? or is that i pick
that i know it, it resonates with my body
ad makes me feel good until it saps
all my strength and leaves me fighting
for a way out. i can't deal  anymore, love

is this why you're always leaving?



in the sky, smoky full moon.

we drive sheldon road, past
the row of untaxed church land -
i follow the lexus' tail lights-
and the smell of burnt wood and there

you are, huddled in front of our
smouldering apartment
i dry your tears again, promise it's nothing
we can't work through but you disappear

like a piece of thread moving through cloth
to re emerge in this carnation
lodged in my lapel , dead, dried
giving the appearance of almost fresh.

when i hit home with you
you go on the attack. it is not
my desire to bite back since
i bit first. but no. no
no, you narcissitic mf, sorry that
the groans from the flu patient woke you.
i forgot to close the door.
you could have, of course,
but that would be to much like
well, i dunno, helping yourself?

like i tried to do last night till you took the covers
i had inexpertly piled upon myself when i went
one eighty to my prior position. it was an overreaction.
have i said i'm sorry yet? no i've defended my position.
it was an over reaction. i'm sorr.y. i was tired. am .
am tired. weary to my bones.
and this game we've played so long
love, this game, bow and arrow.
leave it.


to other girls to play.

so tired.

Friday, April 15, 2016

friday at walmart

you had cereal for dinner
because the food stamps don't come
till the end of the month and you had
to have cigarettes so mlk and grains
it is. i say you're too poor to smoke
certain you've heard it before
but maybe this time it'll sink in,
be your idea like how you're twenty eight
and the years don't seem to be stopping
maybe now you begin to think how living
on eight hundred dollars a month
is no way to spend the next twenty years.
get a car, get the breathalyzer, pay
you dues.first baby out, you walking slow
to the big exit momma's been racing against
and it dawns on you she won't be here
much longer to save you or your baby when
things get rough. like she lent you her last twenty
and now, you both starve.

blech. this is why i don't write no more.
i'm so weary of disappointing the universe.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

it wasn't friday but this morning it felt like the 13th

so walk into work and there's a smell
i look at my colleague, who sometimes
doesn't shower but that's a nope, i smell
my coat has it been
that long since i washed it,  examine my feet
nope, but the bottom of my
left sandal has the neighbor's
dog's shit on it. i gag, clean it up.
my first diagnosis is wrong
so i unneccesarily change a 32 pin ic
twice because
 the first time
i put it on backwards
after that all i had was one
capacitor to replace -easy right
at the end of the board but instead
the pad broke off and not only that i don't scrap it
at this point which is what i should do no
i keep working on it because i want to see
if my diagNOsis is correct and all i gotta do is run
this wire the thickness of hair about 3 mm along
the top of the ic i already removed
and replaced six weeks ago and when i get that in
a resistor swims out of place so while i'm
putting it back in its pads a completely different
capacitor/reisistor combo gets dislodged
and now i really really should scrap it but i'm a terrier
that won't let go of the mouse even though the house
is torn to pieces by now so take it off the mother board
and fix it right which is what i should have done
in the first place  it's almost lunch and i 've only taken care of
dog shit and one other thing then i solder it back
on to the mother board and go test it and it fails.
of course.
i put another board on it then.
at lunch i wasted
the whole thirty minutes
staring at the water in the pond
smoking for lunch again. i fixed
several things that had been lying
around for a few months
after ward but when i got home
i broke my favorite highball glass.

what else?

Monday, April 11, 2016

my oils are toxic to me

feet crack in the morning stones
all pea gravel and trenches. a fine mist
covers burgeoning sweet pea  fingers
 tiny rivulets of green string  reach
for wood to climb into sunlight.

august looks at all this bust out
brings the rake, bows a cello
 unearths the whinehouse.
trouble in your dimples
 whistles sweet history
and we go down again.

we're all about clean collars
no matter who we're fucking
image is everything, appluad
yourself into a twee version
i'll put on my poodle skirt
we can dance the aubade
 til noon in non toxic shirts

or i could cup your knee in hand
loose arthritic  hip in a piano
 version of a pop song
 i grew up with when you lived
in an other place living a different
soundtrack of our lives and when
we almost reach nirvana
the commercial's a timed dante- circle
a kalpa crunch, kalki'd heads bobbing
along to a dank reggea beat.

Saturday, April 09, 2016

heliospheric current sheet

inspired by this image found here

it blows me away that earth rotates
on a 24 hour day because of the big bang
well maybe not purely that
 but i guess that's as good
as saying god did  it 
 nebulae incubate planetoids
some messed up star commits supernova,
 conservation of angular momentum comes
to investigate, never leaves so  pretty soon
you got a baby sun  surrounded by planetoid accretion
pulsing electro magnetically across the firmament
as they go spinning through inertia like
like spring, like two boys bounce a ball
off each others heads counting uno, dos, tres
all the way to quatorze while a little
girl spins and spins trying to warm up
in the cold water chanting to her abuela
You're a fair ie and I'm a faire ie
She insists from the poolside
A shark bit me! I just
 took his tooth out of my tail.
Fairy s don't have tails ,abuela answers
Well I'm a fairy mermaid
that turned into a shark!
Watch me watch me spin
I'll be a hot air balloon then 
she holds the orange
 noodle  in an arc
over head lifts off 
in a pink tutu into the clouds.

Thursday, April 07, 2016

stone sun

i opened the curtains this morning
and looked into a stone sun. it hung
in the sky , illumned, i assume, by god.
were those the fingers that snuffed the fire
or was this end natural, no desire
to pulse and scream in pain could cure?

as you like, i said to no one there
then pulled my pillow round my hair

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

the observer perturbs

no poet
here just specimens
which you have smashed between
two pieces of glass to examine . the poetry's
been squished out, it's puddled on the  microscope's periphery, scientifically probed by god's
 green eye bearing down, bore holing, irradiating that
which he wanted
to just

poem for today

it's not that i want to trash you
it's that you're trashy. your family
told me so, you're the first to
collect welfare, even tho you don't,
but that's what they think and who's to fault them?
you haven't worked since the baby was born,
so i guess they just connect the wrong dots
because your man don't have money to give
can't work and you won't .she said once
you love your baby as much as i once loved you
then you won't be selfish anymore.
the baby's six. when will you grow up?
instead we have this game of carrot sticking
which neither one of us likes. you'd rather i just
give you money, i'd rather you treat me
with a little bit of respect. like, you
can't get angry with me for saying
things like "he's not going to support you
you really need to go get money to pay
the electric bill if he spends everything on beer."
don't see how that's trashing you
but you always were sensitive.
just like daddy, whom my family assures me
the gene must come from. i left him
but i can't leave you. so, no contact is what you say
and you use the grand daughter and you use nothing
that you know anything about to try to hurt me
but you hurt yourself so much more. spite is a painful dish.


she waves a sign on the roadside
three children, rent's due
please help or we're homeless.
why don't you do that? one time she even
had the kids in tow. i bet she got a lotta dollars then.

he sits outside the chik fil a throughout lunch
with a sign that says "homeless please help".
he's there everyday. for the last three months.
i don't have a job for him, or a home. but i think by now
he would have enough money to rent a room.
unless his credit's messed up. which it is.

she's over by the side of the road, sitting.
it's summer. about three oclock the sky
is the color of hot pewter. i have some change
in the console so i wave her over. she looks
at the coins in her hand with disgust. spits on my car.

i offer you twenty dollars to do something i'd normally do myself.
you want payment in advance, but when i say get a job
so you don't have to do this anymore, you say
i don't have to take
this abuse.and hang up.
the texts come fast and full of red pus
but i just pop em and let the blood run out.


i haven't been hungry since i was twenty.
that's when i moved in with her dad because
i couldn't pay the rent anymore. i wonder if she
would ever get that chance. cuz she's blown
any more offers from me.
everytime i think of living with that sickness
i'm glad yours has yet to surface on a full time basis.
but i loveyou. i love her. i loved him, and the next one
and the one who wore thongs around the house.
i even love you. every love is the love of my life.
until it isn't. then it's a fistful of hateful wishes
thrown back at me so i can stop. loving.
everyone but her, but then it's hard to disown
someone you birthed.  but i can keep my distance.
i can not know what's going on in your life.
i can do that. watch me wash my own damn car.

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

the mole king

the rent's not paid! always the fifth
rolls in tidal, soaks the shoes
by the blanket you forgot
 when you decided
to take a walk. like the checkbook
did for a month as soon as
last month's rent was written but
 you finally find it
again late at night on the last day
before the late fee kicks in.
it was out partying- it's covered with
6.0223  X 10 ^23 grains of sand
  clogging the cheap bic pen
  found on the car's floor so you can't
  fill out the check so you can
have a place to lay your head
a place to  finish the day,
 a place  you could call castle    
there is a space between your shoulder
blades begging to be pried. fingers roll
over hard ridges, humvee wheels in the desert.
back and forth, they pile pressure on knotty
ropes, baked earth, tense with pockets of air
where water dried out.  bones shift, poke
from the curved line of your back, pulling
against the force that keeps you locked
in a parabola above the ground. a crack
produces a sigh, the curious world tilts.

once you begged for cranky security
from the road, with a sign. now
 you don't talk so proud-
between bed and breakfast is a tunnel
you can't seep out of, no matter
how many molecules you fit on a spoon.


Monday, April 04, 2016

Analise , pure blossom of spring
rise from the quick river of growth,
scattering yesterday's dry leaves
with noble shoulder, spade- sharp chin.
Analise, arise   again, sing
with your unfurling hair. Both
arms poised for dance, release
beauty to be devoured again.
Analise, spring's wind is chill, brings
  dark reminders of sacred oaths.
Tho now sun warms your blushing cheeks
inside are remnants of the end.
Analise, open tender-sweet
your eyes to the bruise of the meet

Friday, April 01, 2016

heating up

heating up, hating up, the summer's coming on.
in my town, that means closing up, fresh air
winter's memory, breezes only at the coast but this year
the coast didn't get cold enough to kill red tide
the first bloom visited in january. was looking at a page
that listed all the mass die offs so far this year. you hadda scroll





down the page for it to end.
so you can come up for air.
mostly fish kills like my hood
but when birds fall out of the sky
if feels biblical, when rivers run
red and yellow the bruises of fukishima
come to mind. and 3 flipper kids born
after chernobyl melted escape from the state
institutions they were pushed in after they rents died
from thyroid cancer to  join with sixteen beached
whales to warn us all,
once again, about the dangers of modern tech no
logy... well the air feels as tainted as a landfill
and i more fully understand  a flock's demise.

the zika virus heads north,in  pretty zebra striped carriers
but i'm impervious to their bites. at least, that's what i tell myself
when they go for you instead. i'm even having alcohol, the mead of the masses.

my four year old strawberry plants have given me
for the first time, a bumper crop. i reckon there is about a pint
with some o the berries no bigger than a bug.
the elm tree you and i began from a thumb sized seedling
wavers in the wind with fresh leaves that will cease dancing
when they reach palm sized. it's time to leave my mark
take this tree and plant it in the front yard
where the leaves will turn brown in winter , litter
the street, the neighbor's yards, the pond, skitter
like a mice caravan across your daughter's path and
the delight of that memory you carry
unable to transmute it into
 a sunbeam on water lily.
 he neurons fire that particular scent
so you  smile. we reach
from one season to the next. to  walk together
you wearing her face, i wearing another's
you've only seen in photograph and speak of.
mothers-how often we fail, how nothing but fierceness
remains when the labor is over.



some old fleshtime friends have contacted me lately
in retrospect i saw them coming in two flocks of egrets
and a lone heron flying a muted, gray sunset.  i used to see portents
in birds when i was insane and held a knife against my throat i
 dared you to step closer and take from me.
you brought out the swat team, big ass monster truck and all.
it was on the news.
almost went viral.


the symbols are mandala  i would
treat them as such.


where o where will the easter lillies thrive?
they fill the stations of the cross, surviving angles of
a living room. so little to say, so many ways to say it.

the neighbors are fighting , much like you and is
when we were younger and full of passion. now pain
has softened us, replaced words with hallelujahs.

the sun is a harsh molten marble moving miasmicly into the night.

ollie, born adolf, adopted name olaf, wanders
greening lawns. across the way, a couple argues in espanol
a beer pops in the evening's grace.  it is friday.
ofla has caught somtehing
he does not know how to handle.

 his black patch, consistent pounce
and debonaire munching of lemon grass
reminds me of a fight
we once had about how to make
 a garden, or what, exactly
 october means.

but now it's time to rake the mulch up, lay bedding
and finish this thing i began. civilizing the teen.
all you have to do is outlast it.