Saturday, April 09, 2016

heliospheric current sheet

inspired by this image found here

it blows me away that earth rotates
on a 24 hour day because of the big bang
well maybe not purely that
 but i guess that's as good
as saying god did  it 
 nebulae incubate planetoids
some messed up star commits supernova,
 conservation of angular momentum comes
to investigate, never leaves so  pretty soon
you got a baby sun  surrounded by planetoid accretion
pulsing electro magnetically across the firmament
as they go spinning through inertia like
like spring, like two boys bounce a ball
off each others heads counting uno, dos, tres
all the way to quatorze while a little
girl spins and spins trying to warm up
in the cold water chanting to her abuela
You're a fair ie and I'm a faire ie
She insists from the poolside
A shark bit me! I just
 took his tooth out of my tail.
Fairy s don't have tails ,abuela answers
Well I'm a fairy mermaid
that turned into a shark!
Watch me watch me spin
I'll be a hot air balloon then 
she holds the orange
 noodle  in an arc
over head lifts off 
in a pink tutu into the clouds.


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