Wednesday, March 16, 2011

i got a restaurant quality espresso maker

i keep making enough for 2
but i have to drink it all myself.

sometimes there's  left over
so i drink it
in the evening when i come home
over ice

Friday, March 11, 2011

"what a depressing life i lead"

oh fuck you, you can't beat mine

hey, at least you're on the phone with a serial killer.

who  i just hung up on


electric ether sheep multiply
on my screen saver,   apoptosis
keeps em under control


you told me your plans after you
get certified, how eventually they will
culminate into a phosphorescent
superman even nietzsche would
bow to, that or
the universe would collapse back into itself
with you as nexxus because it just
doesn't want that much self knowlege

and it made me sad we were born
on the opposite sides of a generation
because we understand each other


i gotta go

i'm sorry, i'm boring you



what's wrong?


what is it?

come on, tell me,.

~                ~                  ~~        ~

....nostalgia....&.... well we understand each other...

~~~~                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

hey? next time?


~             ~~~~

lets try to be on the same page, k?


Wednesday, March 09, 2011

the idealist's hat

forgot to take it off today
reading the news, working the factory
be glad you have a job!

be glad you have a job
even tho you don't have
the government pensions
even tho you SHOULD have
the government style pension i guess
this is the major split i have with
your philosophy, you don't want
to share the wealth, you think
greed is ok, who's
to judge what's enough
for the other
man and tho i agree in theory it's like
when you grow fat while
children yes i said children the ones
you demanded be born because everylifeissacred
the ones you brought into this world thru MY womb starve
i say to you starve then fuck you
have the right to judge
what is greed and who
are greedy

i want to be protesting at the front door
of the RNC in tampa in 2 years ,
carrying a sign that says
shouting like that cuz the supreme
court said it's ok for gay bashing snake handling pentacostals
to picket in front of a soldier's funeral, a soldier for chrissake
a we support our troops boy , so if
it's ok to do that
then me and my friends can go stand
peacefully in front the RNC playground in  li'l sin city
gasparillishously hoisting them on their own petards
the retards. or is that us, the voting public
the ones with the numbers unwilling to die
for something we believe in
cuz after all what has that ever got us?

if i get arrested
i want the aclu to take my case
all the way
to the supreme court and have them
tell me what the difference is
cuz there ain't none and i won't be corralled
anymore whoo hoo
i won't be shut up
shut in shit on spit on
collective bargaining ripped off
union busting pissed off

shit, i ran out of steam.

Monday, March 07, 2011

the missing infolding electrodynamics

your eyes reflected
 in waterless skies brought
a vanishing epiphany
 which changed me
in ways i do not recognise.

the wave generates on both
sides of the string you pluck
staring at matchbooks and tea lights.
the sitar an echo from last week.

all that energy written on the folds
of your brain. where's the missing
touch why can't i put your finger
on my pulse, what imprint
leaves no trace?


  your arms are   a horned moon
overfull of darkness.
my hair--  clouds scratching
at a chin. now you smile
now you want those stubbly
myopic star filled nights .

how long we take to leave
what we most desire
 the long glance behind
  watches our wake slice  sunset.

we should sail together
the wind is whipping up some change.


i feel a curdling   perturbation
things are heating up in here
the rumbling escape route
tunnels under gaza and bedouins
emerge in wisconson, all tribey, all
   me and my bro against the man.

my altered spacetime curvature
is a wing becoming a dove
a release, again and again
from   dark matter's pull
unity over one, invert the wave
let the instrument ring .

Thursday, March 03, 2011

looking for wisconson in the news

i guess it would help to know
how to spell it. is that an o or an I?

i'm psyched they're still in the government halls.
those union workers have some balls
but while i watched democracy now
i stumbled on the story of how

utah is a pro life state
but it's women that they hate
no right to choose, that's a given
but now miscarriage is shriven

from the halls of sadness
spun into political madness
if your baby dies before birth
it's prison time your life is worth.


hard to be poetical about
the way wombs are the right wing
football fields. someone hand
the quarterback a condom
and permission to sack his gf

let's say that as long as you carry
the sacred human life inside you
we care, but once it's out
you're on your own.

yay for...madness.
full blown.


go wisconson, indiana, illinois.

if i lived there, i'd be sleeping in the capitol too.
rucking right ring rastards tryn to take away power
they can't own. collective bargaining? that's socialism!
don't mind the subsidies for agribiz
don't mind the bailouts for thieves and liars
dont mind the lifetime supply of health care for congressmen
it's the unions that must die, socialsit bastids.

i made a mistake and read the comments
over to yahoo, the liberal media mouthpiece
about how faux news is gonna suspend the boys and girls
flirting with presidential candidacy. omg!
how are they gonna advance their agenda?
isn't that, that, like all their commentators
except the verifialby insane beck?


i miss my bf.