Friday, January 19, 2024


didn't get his hospital pix

he came home to a used bassinet

and playpen to graduate to

but he lifted his head right away

his neck seems strong tho his uncle

seems to think he hasn't much control.

i'm not a baby person.

i don't compare them. i can't.

i can't remember the small months

the helplessness , the lack  

and control. but his eyes 

hold the wonder i had once and i can feel it

the desire to know. or the trapped ness?


odin'a eyes

seem to drift apart when

seen from far away as if

the muscles battle each other as if

chameleon controlled .

up close they peer into mine

wonder and knowledge combine

as if he knows i'm ok, cuz i'm holding

the good stuff. he sucks it down

eyes never break contact. 

i;ve heard him cry, but only with reason.

hey i'm hungry, been gnawing my fist for seasons!

i need to burb or splat or shit, 

help me, don't make me make a fit.

he's all potential unknown

i hope he gets to feel a home.


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