dancer, are you , now?
i haven't kept up with my internet
life because the dots and dashes can be
deferred the collapse into being
while unobserved. until then you are
still dancing. i have you in a book
which is the actual most you could ever
have of anyone else. it's all false and past anyway.
i don't mean to say it was useless it just was
but is not, any longer, now. that's how fast we move
in the heavens. have you seen this?
i used to get all fancy with titled links
opening new pages from highlights n stuff
but it all moved so fast, as soon as learn one way
boom some software engineering
get his was developed and foisted on
machine users so eventually i gave up because
i'm old and tired and sitting in a chair
to bitch and moan or cogitate on the mysteries
doesn't hold the appeal it did when to my pre sciatic
self. sensations and thoughts emil. i' ve looked from both sides now.
i'm sure there are more. layers and layers
oniions for dinner. do you not see how
in all this using up of resources
that writing is put last because of the devalue of it.
the negative value. the time wasting going nowhere
as opposed to reading reddit all day? come ON!
but i can read all day LAYING DOWN.
gravity hurts at 64 years per lifetime.
the benefit to body ratio is much higher with reading.
the subject matter IS open to debate tho.
i'm about weary of the zietgiest. yes you are the asshole
if you can't read the room or just decide to be snarky.
own it. assholes are essential to getting rid of waste.
whar occupies my time is grimy
doors, crumbs on counters kitty litter
on the bottoms of bare feet. and why can't i
afford a housekeeper. bad life decisions my dear
too late to change them now. best i can do
is tread water.
scuse me, treading water atm.
so you see, we are all correct
about this one mind thing we are all we
even though your lens describes it with
a lot more words than i can even summon
at this stage. i adjust the spine, tilt
my eyes just enough to make out typos
quickly backspace to correct lose my train.
bye bye choo choo there it goes.
i'm thinking of work again
how adjusting to the little parts
requires this manipulation then come back round
to the fact that it hurts anymore to write.
most i can hammer out is a few signs to the void.
you keep talking about the void. the space between then and n ow
the remembered and the real.
but the memories are clones of the past.
i've never been to that bridge but you are always returning
even in remembering me
you go back to before me
because that is where you want to live.
is this a male thing? my honey has that vibe
was bruce springsteen right about those days? dayum
ya'll are some of the smartest guys i know
you with all your talk about the spiritual dissecting it
as if you could label each jump into an anatomy chart
and he with the arcane beauty of chemistry
and the london dispersion force.
i mean it's all so related yet the metaphors
are disparate. and tnh dont even get me started, i understand
but the thing is i'm pretty sure i was talking about
the impermance of writing, the desire to hold on
that needs to be let go
and then you send me same.
connected but not admitting it.
i can't copy paste this to you as you
contact me on the phone and i am on
a web based platform that would require a share
after i hit publish so i dunno if will
go on the phone and do that. after all
i feel like it's on you to find me.
so blogger unpublished something i posted
a couple of decades ago. an outtake from the box
where i used rape and splay in the same sentence so i
wanna see if they flag me now.
i wanna see just how far this senseless censorship goes.
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