Monday, March 19, 2012

suspicious activity on clayborn

two  fat  cops  pull   up next  to me
  it's about 11 oclock
suburban  night  i need cigs- license  is
suspended    so  i'm walkin  it's
about a mile . they  wanna know  what i'm  doin
where i'm  goin  from all the way  down there
it's only a  mile.
do u have  anything illegal or dangerous on  you
no only my cock  sir
do you mind if search you?
can't  we start out slower?  yes i  do  mind.   send  me   some flowers or something...jeeze
why do you mind  if you have  nothing illegal or  dangerous  on  you?
i'd  feel violated  by you  putting your hands  all  over me and  on my ballsack  for   no reason
 at all  unless walking
has suddenly  become illegal?



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