Tuesday, February 28, 2012


    glamour now  marketing  ids

online dating  oked in feb   issue, it's  official
 it's not  just for  hookers and hookups anymore.

google  wants to  own you

well, j ust enough  to  sell  your  expendable income
to  prospective marketers. the chrome  cloud.
   isn't  it a  beautiful thing? 

women's  contraception  violates  first ammendment

    on  santorum's bully  pulpit.  contraception is wrong
   because it  invites unsavory practices.  abortion
 is  still  morally  wrong in  red  states   even for rape babies.
his gentle explanation of  these horribly bestowed  gifts, but  god loves ya anyway,  honey
you gotta keep that  life. can he at  least advocate  for  adoption?

adopted  baby turns into man

i just  realised i  will never  know
what happened in your  life  after
you left. it made me  cry. they say  time
heals  everything.  you insisted
there  was no  such thing.

knights  in black satin  plunge into darkout 

film  at eleven.


Blogger Hector the Crow said...

"god loves ya anyway, honey"

hahaha, man, you're wicked funny on a regular basis - i wish we'd done more songs together - maybe we still can sometime, i've been spread thin lately

7:58 AM  
Blogger hiccup said...

hey crow, thanks. we still can sometime. you know i love how you conditioned my voice that time...just let me know when ya got any fat to share :)

3:14 PM  

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