Monday, March 19, 2012

silver nanoparticles

 valent atoms, plantetary tides
venus mails   jupiter,says to  hide
till sundown with its sliver flocks
in ochre sky and knee deep clocks.

chemistry acts on  fools and  saints
just as well  as  wills  and  feints
to the left  or to the  right-
deliquesce  and  then comes night..

with  more time i'd  look at you
as if  you really  wanted to
journey to the  palest  seas
the ones without these  yous and mes

but  gaseous quick and ringtailed hot
combined into a melting pot
releases   on  the other  side
  micro pulses of a winged  hide.


"if you're eating a dirt sandwhich
chances are you ordered it>

lesson, don't whine.  i talk more
to  myself  than to anyone around me
withdraw into being 
a bill  of fare  and jumping live shrimp
missed between the tines of  the  chopstix
who settle on a  pickle.

a former  life invades  this one
with a smith and western and  a  piece of rope.
i don't  call and don't call because i've learned
that the  fan dropped off the ceiling, just
twice this month, well this week, in fact  i  don't call
because there's  something  about crowding in the  air
    rended goodbyes   circle
above us,  land on the beach
the  flock cuddles with us
as clouds  cool  the  sun  
scrying and  scrawing .
i'm having  the  sake  so you'll k now
that you maybe  you don't want to  talk to someone who
 maybe you just
know too much about    now.

the  dallying of the  worchestershire
the  don't hesitate to phones.


start  again

gulls on the beach  suddenly
all gathered around  the joint.
the  waves   come  in
the  waves   go  out
i throw the roach into the wind
the nearest  flies up and  catches it
  sets  the  flock
 in motion  and  goodbyes

a  field of hands through barbwire
in  a spotlight  obscuring  a machine.

a  paper  napkin folding
itself into the wind, amid
bottlecaps and leaves.
sand  scours the parking  lot.
many ghosts  pulse in and out
of the conversation.   but it's  with you

that i  walk, and you listen as
interminably i  do go on.

men  generally suck

taken aback. laugh ,
sage agreement.

 so  do women

 but we're supposed
 to so  :)

feminism  showed itself earlier in the  day
and  agreement  was reached,  power systems
may change their  stripes but never their teeth.

 people in general, suck

  the  banyan grows
next the sidewalk,  past  the fine arts
as  if just now invented for  you

why are they  here?
someone  planted  them


google  mapping for a place to meet
you're heading  down ulmerton when  you see
a rod looking thing kind of pushing
into a cloud, not jettish  more, cigar ish
and it's  coming  out the other  side and  dissapearing
into the next  cloud  but  when  you  try     a screenshot save
you hit  delete instead   and spend the next twenty minutes
 searching till it's  time to go for the rendezvous  at panera.
she reminds you to find it  when she  calls
 because  that's something she can call you about
the fan fell off the ceiling and  the  wiring's exposed
but  all she can  do is write and that's not  right.


please  do not scrutinize  this blog
  overmuch.  it contains
pieces of me falling into  nanoverse
tinted the  color of my  hair.



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