Monday, March 12, 2012

otarious ritual

dragon eyes in the west
    papersnakes  to the  moon ,opposed
   the sign sends  a jittery text
    explaining some  aspect of networking
while the  body  wraps the world and squeezes
   volcanos and  earthquakes  out of .her

gaia's  been a naughty girl.    the tides  say
post an ad . she  burns  through  response
with  reposte,  finds  a suitible host
for the night's engagement. falls  prey
to  an  osprey, she's caught, hot

   in a  high  place,  out of her  element
all nitrousy,  bubbly   and familiar.
 co2  awash,  her gills  lunge into  lungs

and  several  drum circles later
she  fucks the moon with only  
  the chemist  on  her mind


thus the  requisite  rules are followed.
scorpions  and  lions  both are apeased

she talks to the  hand.
 it  laughs at her.
she asks the tarot
who  roles her eyes
the planets council a  good  hour
so while  waiting
she  asks the logician
who  lays it  out in simple terms
even a  poet can understand.
you  want to know?
call the man.


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