Monday, February 20, 2012

hitler of ice cream

iran and israel
it's complicated
reactionary reverbs
catholix wed polictrixters
fuckin with my vodka mixers
oh man i can't be poetic this thing
deserves a rant. no no it deserves
rational societal debate but hate
rules in the land of the fools
called cnn and fox news late
nite edition, hilter's fruition
that's oba san's insurance
compromise they prate and prattle,
sabers rattle, attack and parry
play an apeish chest beating
game, we've all allowed
until now, they want
control of a woman's body for breeding
control of MY body???!!!
you heard me
old man young man feel alright man on a warm
san franscican nite man, yeah i'm
talkin to you, because hey those power men
they don't listen to women. and frankly some
of us are on their side anyway wit dey bennies
and dey jets, wink nod so you know whatever
makes you happy baby until the bod's
worn out from bearing his babes and she's traded in
for this year's blonde. but i digress see
those guys are trying to put their religious morals
on me. if catholics are the only charity hospital in town
if they are the only women's center in town
and they try to stop a woman's insurance coverage
from paying for birth control because of their religious
stricture against it i mean they don't even wanna
utter the words 'the pill' i'm
i'm at a loss for i
listen this
is not the fifth century
this is an ecosystem 7 billion
strong. i can' t even rant
i feel defeated.
i don't know how to make them understand
how none of their business this is
but ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
how would they like it
if we took away their viagra scrips
because it's wasted seed if they're having sex
with their age appropriate wives, n'est-ce pas?


Blogger Hector the Crow said...

every sperm is sacred

8:49 AM  
Blogger Hector the Crow said...

i loved that "jon stewart's eye on the ladies" segment, did you catch it?

3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol yeah crow, i saw that like last nite. after i'd written this. i see his writers and i think alike. i'm a bit behind in my stewart watching. but i def stole the title from the day before "eye on the ladies".


2:03 PM  

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