Tuesday, March 27, 2012

quotidian happenings.

 which  is, in its  way,  good.
thai  for  dinner, then
 transplanting  more  daisies
justification for  watering
the sand. i guess  sunday
was  the cold snap before easter
dry  and windy,   cloudburst  quick
   the  hibiscus  droops
but the plumbago  still  looks fresh
it's  quiet in the  house  the baby
went  with daddy  so  daughter's  locked
in her  room. son's  sleeping off an  F in english
i think he has to pass this  class to walk 
across the stage but  i don't  know how
he's  going  to  pull it off. i  mostly didn't
think about the  beach or the  way the sun
struck  my arm from over the dune
or the surprise on  your face
 over  the way cockleburrs  bury themselves
like hidden lovers in the  sand
and  impale  the unwary  en  flagrante  delicto


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