Tuesday, May 11, 2010


that doesnt elicit a response from you b/c it's not a big deal

if i don't. you'll take it if it's offered and leave it when it walks away.

knee deep in the way life is, you wonder what's the entertainment

and i tell you it's just another addiction like everything else

only quicker. i want to write again, so let's leave the sex

to people who care about each other. or not. i'm just tired of the half

life fakery of babe and honey substitutes for hearts. yeah ok

it's been four months and you're a captive audience. time to let that go.

get you out of here, moving into the life you think

you need to live. me, i need to be free to fall and i think having

too much sexual comfort, too much imprinting by you

will make falling an excercise in futility. so, hadda nice time giff

but it's time for me to move on. when i'm crying before and after sex

it's more than pms. it's commentary on the trajectory

of these comets after the rotation's been handled.


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