Monday, May 10, 2010

caught in the poem

the front porch floor
is painted in purples and greens
like you told me to do, spills
of paint and yen yang symbols
break up the picture of a hubble night sky


so here i am again, fallen
into something i didnt expect
like you changing your mind
because  of not m e
but your own addictions

you do better in a couple
me too.

you've kept new
england weather in my state
for a cool couple of months now.
if you joined me in the morning
i'd come undone. endorphins
for breakfast.


the bright green of the steps clashes
with my sense of the morning. barraged
by the garbage truck's  grind, the sciatica
burn, the morning is broken into traffic & bass.

i don't want to try to understand why
you'd care if i moved on if you're not
in my picture. you're always going to leave.
that's what the message is. i deciphered

the code words "going to leave'. lol.
this is an itenerate state and i don't get to keep
nice things.  that's why i splashed
paint on the concrete, left the borders
and corners undone. it already looks
like a mess but it's really
just a semi controlled accident. besides
your guru is different from mine.

still, my hair sparks red in the morning sun.
i wish someone would appreciate it now.

i could wake you but you're dreaming
so sweet. it's best to stay in these seperate time
zones, venn diagrams of the night.


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