Saturday, May 27, 2006


Unregistered User
(5/22/06 5:02 pm)
Reply | Edit | Del All Ring me when you know
Ring me when you know

You have voice – I want to borrow it
to sing a waning song which has
brilliancy inverted trepidation-side up

in a small glassy pond
in an absent neighbour's yard
this year without fish because it would've been
too much trouble to get done
before leaving.

Why I want such a song
& the sense of me it touches
weaving in & out of balmy tristesse
as the season solidifies
though not in a way I can
wrap thought around –

why & how it all starts over again
as if it is "the" song – the one
open-ended like rain falling
on & off again, tulips
hanging in there, voluptuous –

I want the song like caresses
bigger than myself, than my world is
except just this minute for example
examining the way the day misbehaves
on the strength of merriment
fleeing before the storm…

Unregistered User
(5/23/06 1:38 pm)
Reply | Edit | Del serendipitiously, it's ringing now
just when i thought the music was
buried so deep it would run like an aquifer's
feeder bands, then straight into the rising sea

i see the grace of your hand
making movements through hard
water, a bee in flight, humming
rumbling to reach me in the nick

the quick lift of currents, then notes
composing themselves between us
a liquid concerto, moving south

Unregistered User
(5/24/06 1:28 pm)
Reply | Edit | Del heyyyyyyyyyyyy
concerto moving south
the small pic in the dumb window
the masses & their attempt at simple pleasures
canned laughter & the other loose goose kind
amatory risk - do it again


Unregistered User
(5/24/06 1:40 pm)
Reply | Edit | Del phi
risk and the sim pole sounds of bi lisciouis
amatory swing song. the shell
i found on the beach spirals and spirals
then stops. something killed desire
might have been the way the ocean
kept its popularity polls up front--
beachheads with piper populations
making tracks she erases with her
hungry, hungry mouth.


third floor going down
Unregistered User
(5/24/06 6:18 pm)
Reply | Edit | Del where's the clear air

her hungry hungry mouth
swallowing fizzy water
pondside, as the sun plants itself
the wind plummets, time dismembers
the crowds somewhere turning
left & right of a grey day, of a song
giving off tandem insinuations
like crawling love itself
so sure it can't be
bigger than
it's already been...

Unregistered User
(5/24/06 11:14 pm)
Reply | Edit | Del time dismembers
what the crawling knees
bled for. blood is cheap he says
adds a gash to his arm.
this sense of entitlement, the porous maps-
a benzene cross polination. we are all aware

actually, of the faltering pilgrim.
the flights of men that became birds
a canyon area somewhere south of peru
betray our thundergods.

percentages become
pestilence. you begin,
i begin, to wonder

and that's where the trouble starts
in the beginning. with the answers,
sounding like the crowd, as men
fall from the sky, their tears the color of love.


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