Tuesday, May 23, 2006

5 weeks 3 dayz

he actually left the house
today. tonite i find out he's
goin to jam this weekend. i guess
'll have to find something else
to do since i wasn't invited.


and other things.
that's if jt stays here

maube tonite he's found a singer
to replace me. i hope so.
but the guy can't sing.
even worse than i can't sing.
or maybe the same as
i mean at least i get rhythm.
if i go out there
i won't be singing
well, i will
cuz i'll have to teach the new one
the tunes.

ok so if he gets a band
then he's gone too.
any way you look at it.
gone. how did i get into this
i want him outta here? i mean
he's heavy to watch. heavy
to watch him take the longest
route to stretching it out.

my dad gave me some poison
and it keeps festering.
but it's the interaction with his
actions that causes the sickness.


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