Sunday, May 15, 2005

if i were fighting to win
something then ok, you're right
but it's about perception
good ole pov and i perceive
that i can't do this anymore

the walls, covered with diablo
red polyester, let's party cuz
it's hopeless. no one's eyes meet
anyone elses. home shrinks
until it bums a ride to the underpass
beside the drydocks where i leave you
close to your friend's ex,close to ex
it's where you should be

lissen, it's not that i think you use me
you know, that way like
baby baby buy me a fur coat no
it's totally subconscious or un conscious but still
unconscionable and i'm used up
from before when we did this not you and i
but he and i and it feels the exact
same way it did then that's how i know
it's the same thing and it don't matter who's
the abused or abuser which party is giving
lessons and which ain't learning its wrong
wrong wrong it doesn't take a pop

psych degree to figure this out
so lemme just tell you right now
i'm writing this down in order to remind myself
that the next time it happens love
will find itself in the trunk, tied up gagged
waiting for a trip to the dump.