Sunday, May 08, 2005

movied billiards


hi english that telling
i'm seriously, i think or the woman
more major with him or more planet

i thik he should be pershoot is some alright
and you think it's piss we to for that?

how does he compensate
conte on blimpy glimpse
a takeout, a chinese on a tent

ants ants ants

ilsa is a minute
a limn a like tot alley
glimmer glimpse tent totally con
ions returning
tent pse i told he told me he talks a lot like a casual chat. i thought probablyborderline, a beast in bed, i meanthe man just oozes. i told he told me
he talks a lot like aliketotally isa isalike totally a minute
borderline, a beast in bed, i meanthe man just oozes.
content con tent tent con non cont co co ent tent con tentgoings . everyone was cool.method man. lets watch tv in bed.
glimpse concasual chat. i thought probablyisa isa i sag lim
shit i'd ever heardwith that mouth tell you how to put the blackball, oh man, he busted he didn't even led to where we weremin coglim



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