Tuesday, May 10, 2005

how can i delete this stupid feature

yes, another one. antoher entry.
it's almost three. the bar closes soon
then he should be walking in
but if he doesn't then my whole life
changes again. i just want to sleep
but it's the waiting the uncertainty
in my certainty. see it's not that
i even blame him. i want him to leave
i'm tired of waiting for when
so that pokes thru i'm sure.
perhaps that's what kills these witner
based flowerings. we the elder know
the outcome and so insist it play out
that way. summer is always summer
it cannot be winter. but time
is being fucked with. the portals
interleave the globe warms.
if i write long enough i'll fall asleep
here, or if i'm lucky i'll crawl
over to my bed first so my neck
won't geta crick. he fucked me so hard
my neck is broken. now my body
wants to miss that. well he's always
been an excellent lover. but i need
a lover who is not sucking the life from me.
and so does he, which is why
i need to not be in his face about the bar.
so the bar. so he gets to spend some money he earned it.
the dollahs i gave him i burn. i want to burn them.
why can't i burn them?


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