Monday, March 28, 2022

the cat puts her face into mine

amid the detritus of our room
laser printed target receipt, crumbled ricola wrapper
a poem written in every cynical point
of view like tonight when the boy says
i don't need desert because i already had mine
when i gave you the flowers earlier 
and the realization that not everyone
is trying to get something 
over on you. 
 how sad, you think
that you can't appreciate innocence
when it rears its big blue eyes. 

instead it eats at me, as if this child
is playing some long con
to make me think he's innocent
and all lovey of me as the favorite of all the
mom's substitutes-for -mom
he  bounces between. he's smart enough
to know he'll be with us next year
when school starts because mom 
is still absent without notice so he better
get on my good side but omg woman
is that how you think a five year old thinks 
for real that he doesn't long to have that
mommy who tucked him into bed
who never actually tucked him
that one that used to watch him on 
infrared camera as he struggled to fall asleep
never really making  a peep, no sounds
as he tossed on his bed til finally
sleep took him down and how now he 
dutifully takes the melatonin that knocks him
out. he likes it, he doesn't miss his momma's
how many kisses do you want ritual
it was not around for long, he's happy drifting
off in the ending silence after  a goblins by request story
so  to think he says that to build 
trust in his con, after he's already snuck the robin's eggs
from the top of the frig and yes 
i checked, he did
is to forget how i sent to him to his room
after he hit me in the stomach-not hard but -
yelling get in there till i don't
wanna hit you no more. 


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