the stress abated once
we understood nothing
will change. the money is for the young.
feed them. sorry you don't
get it sooner but look at thie covid example
for a bit of grace. a bit. not even a thank you tho.
that stings. it's like oh yeah, here's the check
pretend you're my stepdaughter
for a minute.
alcohol helps. perrhaps a pizza
in the oven and salad won't be too stale
so we can pretend we're healthy.
i have anchovies. and strange need to write
a slang made notorious by the orange one.
but i won't because to write it is to perpetuate
it to ping it ponging thru the archives
let's just say coffee and be done with it.
i would sleep at the end of this drink
i would sleep and not awaken it makes no difference.
to me.
to tohers it would but i'd be dead and
that's as good no desire.
pizza in oven. th drink has diabled me..
it's been a minute sice i. and i didn't eat either.
a shot in the gullet makes it so drowsy.
and gunghungry. really. pizza. now.
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