Monday, May 03, 2021

don't name it yet


i've sat all day and i'll sit some more

this time doing what i love.

the sky reddens, a breeze comes up

if you were here we'd abandon this time

to the skeeters. it's not quite summer

i could open the windows since you're not.

here. it's given me some time to udersttand

how a relationship requires missing  you

to stay active.  this almost a decade together

still feels kinda new. i give and you give

and we both just would rather take

as babies do, entitled joy. that's what they mean

when they tell us it takes work. i saw bill 

and melinda are splitting up. that one makes me sad

and glad i meet you later in life, so that by dying

we may not fade away. 

where does love go when it dies?

once the moon rose i saw it slip

 quickly as  slick gator snout to the other side

climbed out. didn't look back to see me watching.

cicada choral was the sound track, love 

on one side of the water, me on the other. 

the wake barely splashing

dripping down the nose of land love 

dissappeared.  mosquitoes

  found me then so i went inside. 

of course i searched for it later. 

tried to follow ghostly tracks,fleeting glimpses,

nostalgaic chimeras.  opening doors

it could be born in, closing them again.

each time i was certain this was the last time

but i just couldn't give it up for long. i circle

it , it circles me, we make constellations of each other

settle into the ocean, bioluminescent and clinging

i find it goes back inside and it's up me to let it out.


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