Monday, August 08, 2016

fear factory

make america safe again
is a theme fit for mongering
no longer ring

omg the reality of this election
begins to filter into views of tomorrow.
this must be what it felt like to obama haters
that think this country has gone down the tubes.

fear factory- clipped and sound bitten
to tear a hole in your mall of americas
to build a wall with imported labor
so we can keep them out again or yes
conscript and wpa work, high school grads, look
surely you want to work the straw, dollars a day
all we can pay, next week i betcha for sure.
a co-opted privatized venture my friend,
and you can be one of the first on the "in".

just fill this form here, stamp that punch there,
pretty soon we'll have hate produced from thin air
nail your sign on the stick, nail another real quick
pass them out to the masses gathering thick

lock her up, lock em out, rapists
murderers, louts! make them go apeshit
over hacked emails while crooks' deals
are paid for in bankruptcy meals

it's all manufactured for you and i, friend
an opera comique keeps us fighting to the end,


Blogger Hector the Crow said...

yeah, this is so good for beats - do you have any? maybe i could fry some up for you

1:33 AM  

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