Monday, July 04, 2016

ibroke your favorite glass

the star fish and the daisy are both broken now
july 4th 2016 along with the plans with friendsandfamily
broken like exploding shells in barely dark sky
at the edge of florida highway sixty running
 from vero beach to clearwater, GALAXY fireworks
light the sky with jellyfish that phwew into a minnows
winking out  every five hundred yards, off in the distance
tampa's skyline is backlit by the professional display
irrational exhuberance that goes on for a half hour tens
0f thousnads of dollars matched by the group
on the edge of the bay fifeen miles away
torching the month's discretionary income
of fifteen frat boys and the food stamp mama
parking her car to get a place to set these fireworks
off for my baby. across the street where the
big guns play, the sound of a semi automatic erupts
she grabs her baby girl and huddles by the car
we all listen frr screams but there's just the normal noises
of red white and blue weeping willows raining
down on the parade of cars that blow their horms
trying to get out of gridlock. i'll get the car, i tell you
but you watch the woman cringe, hear the gunfire
again wondering if that's real life of just camoflage.
stop the traffic, someone wants our space so we get out
just like that. the night's just beginning, but we watched
fifteen cities across the bay shoot chrysanthemums of red
hibiscus of white and gold willows
then the grand finale of hiway sixty and boat ramp road
above our heads while fifteen miles of beachfront
was lit up by apartment dwellers
quite used to the sound of nearby explosion


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