Monday, February 24, 2014

crowded funders

enter the age of diy wages
backing art, artist,artiste , pages
of help me struggle to make ends meet
i'll sing  for supper or maybe a tweet

in your ear if you're in on the ground floor
a place in my facebook newsfeed and more
i'll message you personal  twice a month
and if we're real close our assistants can lunch

 discuss face to face (if your dont' live far)..
available for weddings, bar mitzvahs
office parties, i could win an oscar
if i could quit my day job. though fast cars

excite me, i promise the money won't
finance that tesla i've eyed so long.. don't
need to assure you  my art's premium,
that's covered- 5 tweets a day, minimum.

about once a month, sometimes maybe more
i'll venture to make a trip out  my door
i'll get up onstage and rip out my heart
present  you a value for what you just bought.


Blogger Hector the Crow said...

I'd like to write some music for this... or has that already been done?

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That'd be great crow. Not done on this end at all. Be sure to send me the product!!

4:04 PM  

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