Saturday, February 15, 2014

life #85

so i ask her please
how can i do joy?

she says the basis is understanding and empathy.
ah. he nods . we have been taught that, i can reach out
and touch you right now playing the know not know
but would you recognise the fingers?

by now you must be hip deep in memories
that didn't come to pass. those are my favorites.


its seems she says you have the blues.
treading water will do that to you
that's why you're here to see me today.
you want to know what path leads to joy
so you're thinking of travel.

that's true he answers i have some time
a bit of money places
i haven't seen there's
a lot of those
but even if i go i know
i'll just be a transient, gamma ray passage.

stop ! she says you don't need to confirm
what the cards plainly say please let me do the talking you
can take notes. hands him a pen and paper.
travel begins in the mind she says.

you have to take a stand you don't want to
you love to drift along, path of least resistance but you must
take a stand. or maybe not.
maybe you should back down if you're taking too many stands
only you know which is your foible.

you came to me she says to find out
what you aren't confronting. and it's this
you're a wastrel. a hedonist so where has your wishful thinking
gotten you. but i! he cries. it's , it's not my fault. blame she says
is a fools way out. you have no joy because
you have wasted your good fortune in lax ways.    you should take a stand.

your past has been ruinous. things have not gone well.
thus is it for so many. don't think you're so special

look he says. can i just say a few words?
no! jot your questions down for after the reading
i will try to answer them then, do
 not break into the story again
or it's over. you are the last person we want
to hear from. and sorry, i'm not very sympathetic to you because well, i'm tired of whiners. look you may be laying there with ten swords in your back but why aren't you dead yet?
some people she says get a lot of pleasure from pain.
at any rate, that's past. the good news is youi're in recovery.
the trauma's healing, it looks like there's no permanent brain damage, sadly
he mutters you've still got your home and your job  and people
who love you so really, you don't have to resist
letting the trauma go. you're special enough.
by the way, that hermiting
 you've been doing? cross reference
with what your subconscious below
you slacker.. times a waiting. the cancer clock ticks.
no! you don't have cancer it was a sick joke but
you know, it looks like hard times are still to come
or is that  you may view the times to come as hard
but this is a chance to find your spiritual center
and there you will find joy.

or maybe not. there's this whole other way
you can look at things. the circle is a circle.
but you could barrel straight ahead
 . shoulders back, head up and march out of your rut.
don't tempt the fates. knock on wood. put a lucky charm
on your keyfob. a zillion ways to carry godz. di da
right now i just need a light she said and the spell was broken+


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