Sunday, January 29, 2012

avenues into the m ystic closed due to temporary construction schedules

wcw talks  about cold plums
and  forgiveness. he only asks
it  of the person, never of the plum.

dogs  dont think like humans.
you can't translate it  says o ne skool.
then it's a human lens with metaphors 
becoming animal. another  skool
says if you  have a babelfish
anything can be translated  in a series of  words.
you don't have to learn the language
it can be physchic. but what colors
penetrate the  eyes of  a blade of grass.


all  of you love the  misaligned
the  disinclined the pauvre  shine
of the contagious.  so enviable
in   pitifulness.

but don't touch it
  it kills slowly

and i just wanna say it dies that  way.
correlative. no one really wants
to  be exposed in a real and personal way
to that  reality.     be the one to  stop this madness
one way or the other.

i just don't wanna  be caught
in the in betwisting . would you understand
the  intermittent balance of looking
under the  doorway  to find  out where
the  light's   gone against opening it
to the blinding?

* *^

my pipes are  all clogged
but  i get high anyway.

why don't you  be  productive
why you no have a productive  day?
montetize this bitch if you're gonna do it anyway


why  is ampersand  so proprietary?


miss the  musings of the distanced
my own life so  myopic
even dali  spoke little to me.
he opened the door into personal psyche
and it's all been  redux and  facade since.



i like the stars better anyway. 
hit them with my   fuck you  finger


think it's about time for me
to take a break  from  love
i can't hold her  anymore
distrust the rising
anticipate the crash.

love  doesn't kill at all.
it dies man
and every death takes eons.


you ask how i am
and i don't know how to answer that
in terms of you. i miss you still.
got your credit on my dresser
the  addy to send it on's in my inbox.
i should make you wait
 but it  would never  be long enough.

what does love kill?
ok hope it kills the spider slow
but one day
in most  ppl
it's dead.

if you  kill it  good
you never have to love again.

do you see?
do you?


dont  really wanna be there


she rises when  he does
puts on the  coffee lights
the  pipe. he's shaving
in the head, she  wants to open
a porthole  and let the smoke out
seawind in. he  kisses  her
at her tippytap  wishes
the next great  novel on  her.


i'd  like to retire into writing
go  for a post  production
edit. get this  thing off  to the printer
etronic and deciduous.

the granddaughter bangs on my door.
i pretend  i'm not available
but it fucks with my concentration
and magic.

i'd be there  with you now
but it never existed.


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