Friday, January 27, 2012

bi polar

when i got home i dressed the toddler
put shoes on her feet and took her
to the pond to feed ducks and turtles.
we watched the moon come up,
small grin in the sunset sky.

then we  cooked dinner,  she and i
frying up steak n boilin rice. momma
was txting someone, breakin up
or makin up i'm n ot sure. 

she  ate well  my golden haired love
and t ho she wanted t o help  with the
dishes i had to give her goodnite kisses.
thought momma might do em but no

she had a lotta  tv shows to go.
so i cleaned the kitchen good, 
scoured counters and sinks, swept
the floor, cleaned the ink

offf the cabinets --baby  bored  art.
thought about asking  mom to help
but i remembered the last time.
would this start  a battle? cause a yelp?

better to do it  without. sanity is iffy
when the moon's  just coming out.


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