Saturday, January 14, 2012

the rote harness of the world or the whirl of angels

do more of donation and evangelism
10:45 AM me: what kind of evangelsim? as in, tents and revivals?
 Fynn: no..
  visit poor homes
  preach and donate..
 me: ahhh preaching for christ?
 Fynn: yea........
10:46 AM Loving your neighbour as your self really matters
  and that is what I talk about.
 me: well yes, that's true. chirst said whatever you do unto the least of these you do unto me.
10:47 AM Fynn: yea..
 me: and also what you said. but i'm seriously not a christian
 Fynn: thats not a problem..
  I am freak in bed my self.. I dont belief in Hell..
  God wont create a hell for his children
 me: if no hell then no heaven. god is you and me
10:51 AM you didn't ask, but i'm a zennist. a believer in the tao
10:52 AM Fynn: i didnt ask
  tell me more.
10:53 AM me: in my travels with zen i came to the epiphany of grace. instead of god being outside of us, god, genderless, eternal, the everythihg, is both in us and outside us so that there is no outside or inside it's all just now, happening , being
10:54 AM Fynn: ok
10:55 AM I will like you..
 me: so the idea of sin, heaven and hell only apply to how we make or perceive our lives. where were you born?
10:56 AM Fynn: Venice.
  there is hell yea.
 me: there is heaven as well. in this world universe opposites are the way of being.
10:57 AM Fynn: ok..
  How old are you again?
 me: 52
10:58 AM Fynn: nice.
  I am 54 ..
  whre were you born
 me: florida


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