Sunday, September 07, 2008


if life's about balance
then i better hold out my arms
and begin to walk.

you say and i reply. i say and lean
into wind. why am i trying
to be your saviour?

you don't know me/want to know me
this is what my rationality says
better the body of past to curl up with
say hello the grave fast, vast.

survival, yeah. the claws scratching into the edge
of where you stood. how can you get back
to the ledge of yesterday when it crumbled
fell before you, left you hanging where you are now?

if you want to live, you're gonna have to let go of that clay
it's giving way. i've got my hand held out
saying this way, this way, hey.

i know your fear- i'll walk away.
the drop is far, the drop is dear.
it's scarey to cling to earth like this
but crazy mad to trust in bliss.

the rational makes gravity king
the mystical wants us to grow wings
both things are true, a cusp, a verge
is where the balance best occurs.

within ourselves the elements-
unless we chose to exit it
earth and fire are things of you
water, air , these things i do.

the fifth, an esoteric lie
we feel when all our things combine?
can't touch it, taste it, smell it, wear it
i feel that we can only be it.


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