Tuesday, September 02, 2008

contradiction in action

there are words and there are actions.
there is diction and there is sensation.
every thought is a thwarted...every word
is an action that means nothing.

ah natalka lend me your sweet, for a moment
so i can run through bethlehem looking for a holy birth
some promise from god, fulfilled at last.

not that i'd believe in it.

the flame needs air to survive but by it s
nature, it consumes .
air doesn't need flame.
i'm misty. i need some clarity
some of this heavy water burnt off
you know, like fog is beautiful and all?
but it's kinda hard to find the way.
water and earth make mud. water earth and fire
make bricks. bricks build good houses. air
is the space wherein the houses can be. on earth.
hearth. the space of fire and air, combining safely.

there are so many rationales i could use.

on a lone winter night, there was a fire
log in your fireplace.
we talk about the age of our souls
based on astrology. you're on a cusp
in the baby stages. so young,
i sigh. i feel as if i am ready
to blow out. but my own cusp won't let me.
it's not yet time.
you light the fire.

i say, this is your element
let me show what it does.
i write a haiku and read it
to you, place it in the flames. you
kneel beside the hearth, pull your eyes
from the fire and look at me, watching
the flame. there is wonder in
your irises the color of spring wood
your irises the color of sky inside the sea
your irises with earth forming on a pond.
your irises with their plea.
please be gentle with me, i'm just a baby.
and i hold you, and promise you


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