Tuesday, September 02, 2008


i am so smart i think
my brain encompasses the sky
the rays of sun so why is it i
just now figured out
that "i love her' means you
love her and those assurances that she
was not attractive to you were merely
smokescreen for the boudoir. not
that it's my business i wouldn't go
there with you because i'm not a hypocrite what we have
is not a relationship or rather it's quite open
because i blew that door off the hinges and it's only natural
that you explore after all you are a man
aren't you so the truth is that you love two and sex
is for youth so it's ok that the excitement
you've had with me the other
woman has been, well, exciting but stressful (to say
the least) and you can do your duty
with her that's all that's required but i'm kinda pissed
at myself because
once again
i only hear half the story the part
you chose to reveal the one
i want to write and not the one
that's playin on tv but that's because i cultivate
my blindness so well it's grown into
the fenceposts, it holds all this gravel
in place so really don't feel bad or guilty it's ok
to decide that what's best for you is peace
of mind no
contention i mean it's true you've both
been thru so many congruent experiences with your
profligate spouses who ruined
your respective lives & besides her
house not a trailer and
is in the city you love, you
even helped her pick
it out-- what colors do you think the kitchen
should be-- so there's a good head
start so what if she isn't an artist who needs
that crazy shit anyway, jesus i'm so slow now that i finally
put all the clues together so you
don't have to keep putting out hints that belie
your assurances,now that my hindsight
is as engaged as my foresight now, now that i finally
figured it out and you're all "in my face, booyah 2
can play that game" would you puleeze
just cut the charade and lose my number?
i mean, i get it, k?

in the words of the
sherels, hah, kinda
serendipitously exy, ay==
"set me free why don't ya babe
getta outta my life why don'tcha babe
you don't really want me
you just keep me hanging on"


it's ok to chose the safe path .
or at least, the one that looks safe.
so many people do, and live perfectly happy
lives of quiet desperation. so quiet
they don't even notice it. and if you don't
notice it, isn't that the same as not having it?
perception is everything. welcome to the new day.


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