Wednesday, August 13, 2008

lean on me

goin back
oh thirty years i was
introduced to black gospel
on the radio. spoke to me
then, now it's in my head
singing something i wanted
to hear, something i wanted
to say. feels like a
promise from god that bastard
reminds me of lucy
and i'm charlie brown.
then i remember who pulled
the ball away this time.
hadda be me, i was the only
one there.
must be august
when i use football metaphors
or maybe i just wanted to take
god down
a peg and this has
nothing to do with the sublime
after all because if we cripple
ourselves yeah
that's a choice, ain't it, so go
ahead on lean on
me cuz you know
we all got needs, someday
i'ma need you same way
and i dunno if this infection of hope
comes from obama or the bottom
of the well or sheer perversity
but it seems like every cliche in the book
resides here with me at work
and some of them
i'd like to embrace.


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