Thursday, July 31, 2008

what she said to the overcrowded barroom

one reason you couldn't see me is
i was behind the mirror
you made of me. i am so bored
with those problems
they're only slightly less
interesting than the braggadicio
i get from columns one and two
as keys begin to flatter, then falter.

did you know i had the apple tart
for lunch? but don't let that
stop a garlic emotion.

i just want some thom ka goon
and some crab rangoon. and not
because they assonate.

they're like me: sweet, lemony, salty
and some spice i can't put my finger on.

when i have it, chili maybe or a touch
of onion, my tears will be quenched.
they're in my stomach right now
awaiting fulfillment. so drink up boys
wave goodbye to the reflection i was.
this mirror's bout to blow.


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