Monday, September 19, 2005


happenings. get up
get the boy up
let the girl sleep
i don't even ask anymore
how can i, it starts
a fight. she pulls in guilt
i like what you said meth
about blame and fault.

but i need to step beyond that.
blame, fault. actions and reactions.
what to expect out of self
rather than others.

want to know why i'm hiding?
expect too much. want too
much. my prose was lost in an avalanche
i left it on the table and the fire ate it.
forgot to research the topic no wait
the topic was quarantined on the internet
no infor. mation. ation.
i always lie too little too late.
thanks dad. but at least i'm
honorable. lol. give me that honor
least. the world is a vampire.

isn't this how it is. flip flip
and the little tabs go up
rolodex me into the next decision.
which was wrong again.

routine. this is how it is.
get up. get the boy up
let the girl sleep.
hope for a call from you.
look in the mirror
which there are so many now
in our house. watch the flab
getting flabbier. i wanna
lipo this age outta me.
my son says about death
maybe you'll die
but i'm not gonna. they said
genetic engineering will
have us all immortal within the century.

look, we're already using star trek coms.
and it's so retro they called em transponders.
blip bleep. beam me up. strikes chest
like a roman gladiator. dissolves into white
noise, beamed. so it's possible
i guess. immortality. the body but what
if in a few hundred years we get tired
of these cells. the warehouse needs
retrofitting. time to build em down,
tear up a new hostel for me to stay in.
when i can talk like that i still see myself
as an ego encapsulated bag oskin.
but in the same instance it would be like vr.
we each inhabiting other bodies
a transference into a simskin. ya know?
your free extra life written out
bit by byte by tera formation, it's a nation
built on someone's desire to be god.

eh, it's all good. fun. but there's always
the ghost that what you're creating
has its own life. the magic you put into motion
with thought , in time, could come to pass.
did i mention cell phones? i thought that i did.

body m ind spirit. a triumverate of you.
it is true that you can control
some very small things about yourself. mostly.
but there is the irredeemable rascal
that abides in us all that has its way.
call that god. the dice, rolling.

i think i should write nat.
i knew i wanted to write to someone.