Sunday, June 05, 2005

click the red spider

michelmas, the first day of the winter
half year. this site is stuck on scandanavia
when i don't want to be. so many rock carvings
and sun sightings. how did these blonde savages
stray so far from mother africa?

this is the golden number 18. with this number the scandanavians
kept track of the moon and eclipses.

but no mind. they kept almanacs for dogs.
oopsie, make that clog almanacs.

kari with the spinning wheel

on these kalendars they keep time
which days to bring in the herds
when the bears will gather winter bedding
when to take down the fences which days
are best to grind the harvest

kari, saint catherine of alexandria tortured
on the wheel. miracle! it breaks. instead
she is beheaded. she spins a road of light to Jul.
spinners spinsters and lacemaker brew. lawyers
archivists mechanixs nad dying ppl.
st catherine day was nov 25
the lacemaker children relesed early
to run the streets begging for a pot brew.

pure one (= Catherine)
apologists; craftsmen who work with a wheel (potters, spinners, etc.); archivists; attornies; barristers; dying people; educators; girls; jurists; knife grinders; knife sharpeners; lawyers; librarians; libraries; maidens; mechanics; millers; nurses; old maids; philosophers; potters; preachers; scholars; schoolchildren; scribes; secretaries; spinners; spinsters; stenographers; students; tanners; teachers; theologians; turners; University of Paris; unmarried girls; wheelwrights; Zejtun, Malta

who pulls his fishook from a pocket
and on to normandy look!

went "jul-ander-ing." People dressed up and went around to other farms during evening meal time. This meal was traditionally (in Beiarn, anyway) sheep's head and feet, and the visitors got to eat a foot

the term rx used to mean "with this and god's help, be healed".

language. filtering up and up
soon we will loose the need again.