Sunday, August 09, 2015

goodbye jon

so many people told you this
a few days ago but since i watch you
on the web you'll never really be gone
just increasingly irrelevant as the youtube ads
drop one by one
because no one tunes in to yesterday's news.

and i know you don't like poets
most of us don't like poets they whine
a lot, something you didn't do unless
it was for comedic effect but on your last show

you used the concept of metaphor so much
i'll be looking for an apology come someday
when you're wondering how it all went so
horribly wrong after you left the show

and america, who needed your guidance now
more than ever before so you take to the airwaves
again but it's filled with reality strip shows, gambling
and trump towers which  the concept of satire has been

imprisoned in since the first presidential election
 in this century without you. my son cut his teeth
on your wit, your skits was the best in the section
now he's got wilmore and colbert but no beef

to bite into at bedtimes. i think you were essential-
now darkness falls fast, like a pitch to the head
but the mets win at last. it must be a devil made deal
understood by the line going red.


ah i'm weary.
i'm feeling like every day
i gotta do this job, go in to read fake news
that anybody could see through, is our country
so bland and sheepled that they need me

anybody could do it. anybody. just not this body
anymre. i'm tired. i 'm leaving out the door.
just read the prompter and make a face.
seriously, it's that easy.


yeah jon. um no. personally i turned to you
to make sense of how my country is in the middle
of a metamorphosis . sometimes the only cure
when it hurts as much as the decade of war
corruption and greed did, is to laugh. so let's
laugh. come on. laugh.



has been  a long time coming.
going to be a long time gone.
you a tweener done well. older bro
didn't see you coming now dad's
polishing your picture frame and bro
well, just hangs h is head.


when i speak of you to her
she will wonder who i mean.
henny youngman is a decade away
from obscurity. if you're not in google
you don't exist. if you're not away
from the crowd, you can't hear  yourself.
if you hide you will be found. ask the mocking bird.
ask the unknown soldier, ask the bar tender
what he's doing with your socket and wrenches
track down his repairs, do them twice.
it's perfectly legal and you can exchange rights
for teh fortnight. comfortably in proffy's site.
kryptonite. why didn you kill yourslf like that
with no warning. how did the storyies i wated
to steal from you
make iit out the door before
i got a change tow write them down.
a koi pond on the top of a mountain.
the way dynamite scalps the dirt away
to get at all that sweet carbon buried
inside. pallative care is often the most unkind.
two shots of morphine in the behind. if you ever read this
don't hink a about dying. it's just
the conversation got a bit too fine.

goodbye jon. we love ya anyways.


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