Sunday, June 14, 2015

sista hood

so the boy's just eighteen and a baby daddy
i knew him when he was little punk dealing oxy
for his daddy, bringing gangsta's to her house judgement
a bit on the juvenile side banging what ever would open legs
when he batted his eyes. once a cheater i tell her once
maybe his girl be better off if and she say not everyone want
to kill their babies. and i just don't get it with these young girls
how they think a mass of cells is already a baby when it needs
time and nurture to become specifically theirs and how
sometimes it just doesn't feel right to try to bring a baby into the world
just so's you can get off the crack or take some goddamn responsibility for your life i mean
was your childhood that fucked up that you need to visit
the failings on a new human being just to feel
vindicated or simply to get off the junk and really how many people
does that actually work for, once a junkie once
but all these things stick in my throat cuz i know she's just knifing me
because i said those things to her once and she knows i secretely
believe she should be giving her own baby a better life and not so secretely
let on by undermining her whenever it's just a small battle at least i'm pretty sure
she knows how judgemental i am what she don't know is how
that comes with age and she's gonna be here if she can just
hold on long enough for my grandbaby to be my revenge.


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