Friday, May 22, 2015

ac hum lights up the clouds

early evening the lady behind me sweeps her stoop, clouds in the background striking pink postes with shots of lightning i'm on my red porch in a new part of my yard hoppoing rain will water the plants even tho i did it a minute a go. puled some weeeks. i haven't eaten all day. i wonder if i'm near as hungry as any refugee from situations that strike from the top like these clouds do. a breeze rushes toward the vaccuum left by discharged ions ropes of white whip through the cumulous tracing momentary paths, and inside it looks like palmyra. i hear a voice on under the various hum of machinery it;s love, coming round the shed, daughter in his hands. sometimes i miss the way we didn't raise our chidlren together, how yours arrrrrrrrrrrre yours and mine are mine the last pink of the sun hits the inner clouds creates a cave tlightning discos to . i fdream i see a piece of it fall like a star down the front a wish comingn to ground, an angel beingborn. at least we can witness these small beginnings together now, grandchildren and rain to ease the parched flesh. crickets fiddle off key, rotondu, ppppppppppppercussion punctuatioton to the air condddddddddddditioners that sing together, aaaaaaaaaaaa cooooooooooool lluullllllllllllby\


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