new car
i'm getting a new car soon. approved and everything. i feel like if i can't go full EV why do it? why new? it's a half ass commitment to carbon reduction to drive at all. why not just stay with my old car and clamber in and out of it uncomfortably, mimic the damage to gaia in my own body? thing is, EV is not ready yet. i've never had to be the first kid on the block, but dammit i want carbon reduction. if it's not global warming, it's my grandkids' asthma or the sterile sturgeon of the yangtze river, both symptoms of the industrial revolution ad infinitum. it's time to be smarter about harvesting the riches of the universe. solar is a no brainer. we have the technology but i wonder if anyone's done a real CBA on it. as far as EV, what no one's talked about yet is the requirement on the electric grid to power all these electric company burns coal to 1990s standards. you remember the nineties? the global warming debate along with the planet's average temperature, was visibly rising. almost twenty years later and there's only one company that i know of that's entering the solar charge game. it's limited to about 12 states and paradise isn't one of them. so what's a girl to do when she's weary of driving a twenty year old car that gets quite decent mileage but needs to spend more and more time in the garage getting nipped and tucked?
as for new,. i can only afford to go with the vehicle that's just about outdated in its tech. if i plunge deeper into the pocket, i could get a full EV with real driving range. i could be a leader instead of a come lately crowder. or i could buy a limited range full electric and resign myself to staying in my own town. it would be easier if there were, say, a super train between tampa and orlando and miami. but that dream died with the current governer's election. i could maybe wait two more years for EV to become established. obviously, they are flying off the shelf if the model close out year holds only one to bargain on. in two years the resale value of my new car will likely plunge if EV does become established and all the yokels like me begin to buy them. what will my 58 mpg mean then? it burns carbon, albeit with fewer emissions. like i said, half assed commitment. if i were truly committed i'd move to a city with real public transportation, like seatle or chicago. yep, i'd have to be committed if i did that. i'm a sub tropical species. pretty sure i'd die the first winter.
hmmmm. this did not help. i want to make up my mind before the end of the month. i have two long trips i want to take in October and i really don't want to rent a car. or wait. maybe that's just what i should do. rent it for these trips, buy the smart ev and rent whenever i want to travel. i wonder if they have hybrids at hertz?
as for new,. i can only afford to go with the vehicle that's just about outdated in its tech. if i plunge deeper into the pocket, i could get a full EV with real driving range. i could be a leader instead of a come lately crowder. or i could buy a limited range full electric and resign myself to staying in my own town. it would be easier if there were, say, a super train between tampa and orlando and miami. but that dream died with the current governer's election. i could maybe wait two more years for EV to become established. obviously, they are flying off the shelf if the model close out year holds only one to bargain on. in two years the resale value of my new car will likely plunge if EV does become established and all the yokels like me begin to buy them. what will my 58 mpg mean then? it burns carbon, albeit with fewer emissions. like i said, half assed commitment. if i were truly committed i'd move to a city with real public transportation, like seatle or chicago. yep, i'd have to be committed if i did that. i'm a sub tropical species. pretty sure i'd die the first winter.
hmmmm. this did not help. i want to make up my mind before the end of the month. i have two long trips i want to take in October and i really don't want to rent a car. or wait. maybe that's just what i should do. rent it for these trips, buy the smart ev and rent whenever i want to travel. i wonder if they have hybrids at hertz?
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