Monday, June 16, 2014

talbaning atomic wasteland brrrrryow

spoken like a cold war veteran
he blasts isis's use of the ultimate bomb
before they wrest it from the incompetent
guards in the land of the heathen points it
at the nearest city, a bullet a head
  two birds for one bomb

. and we don't need
no revolution we need
an evolution and we don't need
a resolution we need
the right solution and we don't need
an institution we need
good ablution scrub the sacred down
say goodbye to those clowns

do you really think they had it figured out
like a thousand years ago and the rest of history
is just filler for the final act? then what the fuck
was it all for, the way she   watched your back
go out the door, the way he smiled at you
in the pouring rain oh tell me
why do we have to do it all again.

talibanning atomic wasteland
got a hand in the party now


it was gonna be a song. it was gonna be singing
but the crack rolls out, the crack rolls in
upper level disturbance on a tornado bandwidth
and you wonder why no father of the year calls
you wonder why your children stopped celebrating
you fry the thick cut bacon while apology pops
into your mind like a drop of water in grease
if you forgot the screen that sucker burns.

the cherry grows longer the more you inhale
darkness creeps like envy over the sky. it must
be time to close the blinds, take the ambien, turn on
on your favorite shows.


i'm not catholic but i have this lingering guilt-.
affluent among poverty,, a twenty year old
honda civic in world filled with pedicabs.
 over at the sunshine soft spot
 i swim   through summer's gulf stream
collect stunted, saturated shells, tar smears
wash off with baby oil. i miss having control of the music
miss the surf, tabla, beat  of your heart.

i fear catastrophe in most phone calls,
collapse in controlled epilepsy over news stories
from the mid east this year though i imagine
soon enough a new hot spot will erupt
perhaps in the  next town over.

is this wages of age? ennui at atrocity?
should you collapse in the next room
bleeding out your nose, noiselessly
dead in less than five minutes it's no more
than i expect. every moment fraught
with leaving, one with mortality..
should you withdraw, announcing
i'll be back in few minutes that become
ever after, the wonder would be in
what happened after ever,
 not that you did it.
it's so quiet here now, i could be
there, unawares. you don't know
when the last of anything will be.

that's the beauty of it.
that's the tragedy.


so, yeah, guilt. not catholic.
the social side of that, what jesus said
wwjd. it's hard to believe that the early
teaching wrought that socialism
so well in my heart. sunday school
was not a regular in my house.
yet somehow socialism is my ideal.
and taht's where the guilt comes from
where the giving must begin.


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