Tuesday, May 27, 2014

reality bites

sorry that you masters in training
don't see the world for what it is.
you are not the hero. you can't even
make yourself the hero. it's not written
that way. and i don't believe in
predestination, i believe in evolution and chance.
reality seems to fit that model.
sure you can have good genes but if you're born
in a toxic sludge the only
 thing that gets you out
 is chance. and if she don't
 smile at you, brothersister,
 you are fucked. sometimes in the story
grace takes pity and bestows a favor
in some unrecognisable form. naturally
it is ignored in the course of the play
if the play requires an anti hero.
that role is well played by any number of
voluntteers. yes it's a cynical outlook.
a slow cyanide capsule. thnaksfully
to the fact that hey, it's only my reality any way.


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