Wednesday, July 10, 2013

light spontaeously twists itself
imto knots

an approaching storm breathes thru the open
screen door,an invitation.  a stroke from the edge
crashes into chimes,  backstage light flashes,
the black curtains want to rise fly across
the audience banging an entrance.

the pink hot wheels is empty
soon to be outgrown. sirens
at the smell of rain. a purply blue
petal skitters under the porch.
looney toons rabbit strikes tumble
 pins to the roof


in luminal time. waters chaos
eventually suceeds with
or without gravity. there is
movement in the system
but combination depends
on kinetics and the amount
of mosquitos
and fireworks on the beach.

otherwise busy with making
pizza,snapping photos of the rodeo,
cashing in on an e crase, we
didn'tnotice the peeling edges
until the revealed the angel's wings


bugs bite
drawn by the light
son and mother discuss
college. the way of flight, keeping


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