Friday, June 14, 2013

old letters unearthed by a three year old

hello mom, i thought i'd
buried you in boxes and buttons
unsewn, in ripped jeans, my  hide
still in  rebellion,  rutted in

because. let us pause

now let us give rise to a bee
swimming twixt the mexican
sunflowers, fostered from seed
fast as weed. in several stands

around my yard. it's hard healing
a garden gives, sweat removes sweet
poisons leaves room for revealing
intersticial spice  roots weaving

bee-ish through my blood. new things  come
in small packages sometimes, they
bind time to spindle, remembrances some
papers you hold in your hand, stained

blue with daily happenings while
 you're away /not to worry all's
fine /till the last, with no denial
the spots are back, goodby/ the gall

of death  in my throat, swallowed.
once before now back half force
  half lives of irradium swabs low
in the back, a taste of baths and forks.

i cried a bit, the tears were good
i planted a wish i'd only use
if i came back as me and you as you
and i knew the outcome of the ruse.


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