Sunday, July 28, 2013

but standins so hard

the trayvon ghost should haunt us all
but should don,t pay the rent.
n by the time the gavel fall
justice had been spent
in capitol halls, where thugs in suits
trade defense dollars for carry permit somehow a woman
in jail twenty years for not retreatment
fearing for her life from a guy she once loved
bound to murder but thats
not stand your grouhd ya know u shlda let hij lan a blow


Blogger Hector the Crow said...

i heard about that other woman who WASN'T "standing her ground" in the eyes of florida law, and man, my head nearly exploded - how fucking fucked up is that? there seems to be a movement out there to get her some justice, from what i've found online anyway

3:52 PM  
Blogger hiccup said...

the woman's serving time. it's ridiculous the way the law's applied. the gov could pardon her, but meh, it won't happen. yeah, she shoulda aimed to kill. makes me wonder if her ex was white....

8:07 PM  

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