Saturday, April 27, 2013

linear lives

past tensely came across a bucket list
  scribbled in the margins.
notes  for the next generation.

as usual we ignored it.
as usual the lesson was learned
after the fact. love in all its spectrum.
just because you say it. 

an open letter of apology to a friend.

dear L  a mystery all 
the sunshine packaging deep water
undercurrents  i'm compelled 
to  write past tense. i waited so long
for you to say hello that when you did
i bit your hand. 

sweet L i'm sorry. heart too small is endemic
wounds the wearer. i've been throwing hope
so long to the floor /yours another victim..
i've similar threads with different colors. paint them all black.

goodbye L, tears are for the innocent.
ask the daisy's forgiveness as i pinch her stalk
put her in the vase with the other things i kill
for beauty's sake, a tantrum's poem.

dearest L forgive ness , does it always come too late?
i have found my way to the heart again. will you join me here?


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