Sunday, March 31, 2013

synthesised shake

gongy tunes
sunday noons
spring storms shake
memories loose , bake
flowers into sky, wonder shy
eggy with chocklit treats
hidden beats.

i'm fine not doing your laundry
so why do i bristle? washing instructions
annoy me. it should be enough that i do it
but if you want it done a specific way
then i won't. why bristle?
the energy expended is at least equal
to the discussion, summery.
maybe i'm finally getting   pickled
soft in my old age ing.

heat stroke, the guitar inflouresces
mimosa notes, clove honey ham on the bake.
i could start a load of towels or plant the aloe
your daddy gave me. just add water.

pandora one is gonna be an irs purchase.
other things will be scrubbed, scraped and painted.
ghosts will cling, but not much else.
we can fill it with cig smoke and sage
advice we never take.


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