Thursday, March 28, 2013

dayte line luna . pre easter post script

the moon's so full you call
can you see it come up beyond
the trailers in the back? i'm just
around the corner, be home soon

once upon a time
we were blessed by hive
 hum , honey,the flower's
 negative charge.

  we forgot about fog and tsunami clouds
rolling over our  city scape under
 the moon's bright benediction

time rides the north wind, insectoid,
mitesque. makes me long to fly at nght
follow strange chemical markers
lose my way.

let's blame the cat for everything
new growth, the spinning world,
the tray, spilled upon the duvet.
she doesn't seem to mind and
it lets everyone else off the hook.

i hear netting and smoke is the best way
to calm bees down. you can raid the combs
right out of the boxes without attack.
 no cat needed, except for comic effect.

that's kind of a happily ever after
because bees can always make more.
if we want to.


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